D7.3 Dissemination & communication material (brochures, posters, presentations, video, articles)


The main objective of the communication and dissemination material is to showcase the project in every event, conference, webinar, etc. that any of the FERTIMANURE partners will be attending throughout the duration of the project. For the first six months of the project, GreenWin decided to create a leaflet, a poster template and a roll-up template. GreenWin also created a press release in M5 of the project and an e-newsletter that will be sent on the first week of July. All of the communication and dissemination material was created taking into account the Work Package Leaders (WPL) feedback to make sure that the most relevant aspects of the project were taken into account. The aim of this document is to briefly explain the communication and dissemination material that was crated and also to explain the main sections contained in these.H2020 (Grant no. 862849

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