Intellectual resource for professional culture formation of a high school student-future specialist for modern production


© 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The relevance of the study is reasoned by the rapid changing of requirements of society and labor market to the professional culture of personality - A future specialist as the actor of active lifestyle, competent, creative, intellectually developed professional. To achieve these requirements an important role should be given to the intellectual resources in the process of formation of university students 2019; professional culture: Knowledge; competence; personal qualities, advanced requirements of the labor market; critical thinking; ability to formulate the problem, propose a hypothesis to solve problems, to carry out generalizations and to formulate reasoned conclusions, to apply the results obtained to solve emerging problems, etc. Therefore this paper is aimed at the scientific justification of the structure and content of the intellectual resources in the formation of high school students 2019; professional culture and the development of practically-oriented algorithms for their implementation. The leading research method is the method of modeling of the structure and content of intellectual resource in the process of university students’ professional culture formation. The article reveals theoretical and methodological foundations of cultural competence approach to the design and implementation of the structure and content of an intellectual resource in the process of university students 2019; professional culture formation ([1] Concept - explication of notions, the evolution of scientific approaches; [2]the structure and content of the professional culture innovation discourse of the notion, culture forming content, technology; [3] the structure and content of the intellectual resources of the professional culture - categories, objectives, content, criteria). Paper submissions are recommended for managers and high school teachers, students of high professional education staff 2019;s qualification development and retraining centers, young scientists, post-graduates and undergraduates

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