Norms and values characteristics of students in a foreign cultural environment


The article presents empirical research data of cultural norms and values. Students of Kazan federal university took part in the research. The aim of the research was to reveal comparative data about cultural indexes (norms and values) of foreign students for whom Russia is a foreign cultural context. To achieve the purposes there were used methods known in social sciences: S. Schwarz and G. Triandis methods. Comparative data were received for students from China and Turkic speaking countries in comparison with Russian students presenting the culture of the host stay country. The results of study allow to state that learning in a foreign culture environment save differences of norms and values. It speaks for acculturization in a students' environment along the lines of integration when each group keeps and saves its own culture and at the same time tends to maintain contacts with the representatives of different culture. The factor analysis revealed tendencies concerning norms adopted in cultures of considered groups. Norms in contrast to values distinguish one group from another. Comparison of cultural values exposed that along with existing differences there are common value estimations. Thus, all three different ethno-cultural student groups ranking showed that safety is a dominant value. On the whole, the research found out that acculturization during the period of study in a foreign culture environment keeps differences of norms and values to a greater extent. © IDOSI Publications, 2013

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