Formation and development of entrepreneurial initiative of future managers in the university


© 2017 Serials Publications.The relevance of the paper is conditioned by the need to form the foundations of the entrepreneurial initiative of future managers, as components of professional competence which stipulate their willingness to use the potential of the external and internal environment of the enterprise in order to achieve profit. The purpose of the paper is to develop a mechanism for the formation of future managers' entrepreneurial initiative based on the adaptation of pedagogical technologies and active teaching methods. The authors developed a "matrix of initiative learning", which allows them to change the position of students in the educational and professional activities within the framework of professional training, thus contributing to the development of entrepreneurial initiative. The effectiveness of this technique is proved by the results of experimental work, in the course of which the indicators of the effectiveness of the educational and professional activities of university students were evaluated. The paper is intended for educational specialists, teachers, researchers engaged in the optimization of educational technologies in modern learning environment

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