
Relationships among curricular and extra-curricular activities and fundamental competencies for working persons


Two kinds of data analysis methods were applied to the retrospective survey data collected by Morita, Shimizu, and Funaba (2012) to determine which university education programs and activities influence the alumni’s job performance. The result by correspondence analysis among university programs and activities and the fundamental competencies for working persons defined by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (2007) indicated the following four clusters: (1) seminar and one’s ability to deliver opinions clearly, to analyze the status quo, and to clarify issues; (2) curriculum and one’s foreign language ability; (3) extra-curricular activities and one’s ability to listen carefully to others’ opinions and to influence and involve others; and (4) one’s activities outside university and the ability to create new values. The causal relationships among the actual degrees of curricular and extra-curricular activities in university, the utility of such activities in university life, and the three factors extracted from the responses to the questions of the fundamental competencies were also analyzed by the path analysis method. Activities outside university affected most significantly the alumni’s ability to solve issues, while a few activitiesrelated to university life affected their ability to collaborate with various people and to manage stress. The methodological issues with the alumni survey were also discussed along with the implications of these findings.大学における教育プログラムと活動が,卒業生の仕事の遂行に与える影響について明らかにするために,森田・清水・船場(2011)によって収集された回想的調査データに2 種類の分析方法論を適用した。経済産業省(2007)によって定義された社会人基礎力と大学におけるプログラム,活動の関係についての対応分析による結果から,以下の4クラスタが得られた:⑴ゼミと自分の意見を分かりやすく伝える力,現状を分析し課題を明らかにする力,⑵講義と語学力,⑶正課外活動と相手の意見を丁寧に聴く力,他人に働きかけ巻き込む力,そして,⑷学外での活動と新しい価値を生み出す力,である。大学の正課・正課外活動,大学生活における幾つかの活動の有用性,そして基礎能力についての質問項目から抽出された3つの因子の因果関係について,パス解析による分析を行った。学外での活動は,課題解決力に対して最も有意に影響していた。大学生活における少数の活動が対人関係力,ストレス耐性力に影響していた。卒業生調査における方法論的問題とこれらの知見について考察を行った

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