Utilization of Water, Wind and Solar Photovoltaic Resources and Green Jobs


This paper examines the utilization of water resources, wind resources, and solar photovoltaic resources and related green jobs, the qualification system, and government policies. While green sectors will create new jobs, they will also lead to a redefinition of many existing job profiles pertaining to water resources, wind resources, and solar photovoltaic resources. New green jobs pertaining to the fields of water, wind, and solar photovoltaic resources will require new skills in both new and emerging occupations. The securing of a well-trained workforce capable of meeting this challenge is predicated on the establishment of the necessary education, training, and qualification systems. In this regard, in growing fields such as those related to water, wind, and solar photovoltaic resources, the focus should be on the development of skills related to energy efficiency and renewable energy implementation. This study introduces the following policy suggestions. First, a plan related to the nurturing and utilization of human resources in the fields of water, wind, and solar photovoltaic resources should be drawn up. Second, there is a need to guarantee qualifications and the enhancement of public relations where training programs are concerned. Third, the expansion of the industrial sector's participation in the cultivation of human resources involved in green industry technology and the related technical skills should be brought about. Fourth, it is important to conduct a systematic and continuous survey of jobs in fields related to water, wind, and solar photovoltaic resources. Fifth, there is a need to revamp the laws and institutions related to water, wind, and solar photovoltaic resources sector. Sixth, individuals, enterprises, and the government should actively seek to cope with environmental changes in terms of technology. Seventh, occupational information should be released, and career counseling pertaining to changing jobs should be enhanced

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