Comparing the Electrical “Bleedless” System with the Traditional Pneumatic Bleed System


Traditionally, most turbojet and turboprop powered aircraft are designed to incorporate a bleed air system. A bleed air system consists of a network of valves, ducts and regulators to distribute pressured air throughout the aircraft. Bleed air originates from the compressor section of the engines and/or the Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) and is utilized for various functions on board the aircraft such as pressurization, air conditioning and the anti-ice systems. However, with the revolutionary design of the Boeing 787, the bleed air system has been replaced by two electric motor-driven compressors that eliminates the need to extract air from the engine compressors. This presentation compares the two types of pressured bleed air systems by examining their respective designs and benefits, along with potential drawbacks. POSTER PRESENTATIO

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