The Practicality of Teaching Materials for Writing Expository Texts Based on Visual Media for High School Students in Indonesian Language Learning


Abstract This study aims to test the practicality of teaching materials for writing expository texts based on visual media for tenth grade Indonesian high school students (MAN 1 Makassar). The type of research used is survey or observational research. The subjects in this study were class X MAN 1 Makassar odd semester students in 2018 as many as 37 people, and two tenth grade Indonesian language teachers. The results showed that the teaching materials for writing exposition texts based on visual media were very practical because the average value of the percentage of students who agreed with the statement items in the student response questionnaire was 99.46. Thus, the learning process in the classroom that allows students to learn the skills of writing expository texts based on visual media makes students play an active role in expressing their ideas in written form. The combination of writing exposition texts with visual media has a positive impact on science so that a combination of both learning media is obtained

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