Implementation Of Regional Sports Performance Enhancement Program In South Sulawesi Province


The recruitment form of regional sports performance enhancement programs is very important. It is a part of Management guidelines for regional Sports Performance Enhancement (PPOD) Number: 154 year 2018 in youth service and sports South Sulawesi. PPOD Program is a government product of South Sulawesi as the basic foundation to improve the achievement of regional athletes in South Sulawesi province in preparing the pre-PON (National Sport competition and national Championships in 2019. The problem of the study was how the recruitment process for the PPOD program in the Youth and sports Department of the South Sulawesi Province in 2019 was implemented. The purpose of this research is to know and analyze the recruitment process of PPOD in the Youth and sports Department of South Sulawesi Province. This method of research is qualitative with a descriptive analysis approach. The focus of this research is recruitment. Data collection techniques were observations, interviews and document studies. Data validity uses the triangulation method. Data analysis procedures are data reduction, data presentation, and draw conclusion. The results of this study showed that the process of recruitment, engineering, medical and psychological personnel, monitoring and evaluation teams, instructor personnel, administration personnel using a form of direct designation based on expertise and process. The trainer has a form of fit and proper test while the process of recruitment of athletes using the form of physical condition tests, psychological tests, health tests, skills tests and verification of documents. Therefore it can be concluded that the task force of recruitments, technical personnel, medical personnel and psychology, monitoring and evaluation teams, instructors, administration personnel, trainers and athletes in the regional sports performance enhancement program in South Sulawesi province in the year 2019 has been effective and efficient

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