The Implementation of the Blended Learning Approach in Teaching English for Academic Purposes at Muhammadiyah University of Parepare


ABSTRACT This research aimed to find out: lecturer’s perceptions toward the implementation of Blended Learning (BL) approach in teaching English for Academic Purposes (writing). This research employed descriptive qualitative research. The participants of this research were an English lecturer who taught writing at Muhammadiyah University of Parepare which were taken through purposive sampling technique. The data of this research were collected by collecting documents, employing observation, and interview. The obtained data was analyzed in three major phases namely data collection, data reduction, data display, and draw conclusion. The study conlcudes that the implementation of BL was highly supported by the lecturer reviewed from her awereness to integrate technology and traditional teaching as a part of blended learning, the ability of the lecturer to survive among obstacles of employing BL, and the continuity of the implementation of BL in the classroom during one semester. The research showed that blended learning was fully implemented by the lecturer and it had positive impact to students’ writing achievement. It revealed that the practice of flipped learning as one of BL models improved pedagogy of lecturer in teaching as well as students’ achievement

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