University of Zagreb. Faculty of Teacher Education.
Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos između odgode zadovoljstva, uspjeha u učenju, akademskog psihološkog procvata i akademske prokrastinacije. Postavljene su tri hipoteze: (1) Veća razina odgode zadovoljstva (ukupna odgoda i odgoda u području postignuća) bit će pozitivno povezana s prosjekom ocjena; (2) Veća razina odgode zadovoljstva (ukupna odgoda i odgoda u području postignuća) bit će pozitivno povezana s akademskim psihološkim procvatom; (3) Veća razina odgode zadovoljstva (ukupna odgoda i odgoda u području postignuća) bit će negativno povezana s akademskom prokrastinacijom. U istraživanju su obrađeni podaci prikupljeni od 218 studenata raznih studija u Republici Hrvatskoj. Korišteni su sljedeći instrumenti: Upitnik odgode zadovoljstva, Skala akademskog psihološkog procvata te Skala akademske prokrastinacije. Od studenata su još prikupljeni i podaci o uspjehu koji su ostvarili na studiju. Sukladno hipotezama rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je odgoda zadovoljstva pozitivno povezana s prosjekom ocjena i akademskim psihološkim procvatom te negativno povezana s akademskom prokrastinacijom.The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between gratification delay and academic achievement. Three hypotheses were set: (1) There will be a positive correlation between higher level of gratification delay (total delay and delay in the achievement area) and academic achievement; (2) There will be a positive correlation between a higher level of gratification delay (total delay and delay in the achievement area) with academic flourishing; and (3) There will be negative correlation between higher level of gratification delay (total delay and delay in the achievement area) with academic procrastiation. The study explored data collected from 218 students of various studies in Croatia. The following measures were used: Gratification Delay Inventory, Academic Flourishing Scale and Academic Procrastination Scale. The students were also asked about their academic achievement. In line with the hypotheses the results reveal that gratification delay is positively correlated with academic achievement and academic flourishing and negatively correlated with academic procrastination