Improving the Quality and Delivery of Substance Use Disorder Resource List


Introduction The state of New Mexico has numerous organizations that help individuals with substance use disorders (SUDs). University of New Mexico Hospital (UNMH) social workers had previously started a list of these resources; however, it was neither updated nor used often. We aim to improve the quality, awareness, and delivery of this list on UNMH internal medicine (IM) inpatient units. Methods To improve the quality of the list we developed a concise SUD resource document using the pre-existing list as a template. We modified the list after feedback from patients, providers and literacy specialists. The final list was organized alphabetically and categorized according to the services offered, with brief descriptions about each facility added. For baseline data on awareness of the list, we administered surveys to available inpatient IM providers. 31st increase the awareness of the list, we educated IM residents on clinical inpatient services at UNMH biweekly about its purpose and availability. We administered surveys before each education session for two months. To improve the accessibility of the list, we regularly supplied each resident workroom with the resource list. After receiving hospital approval, we uploaded the list onto the UNMH electronic medical record system. Results At baseline, we surveyed 37 IM providers. 89% viewed the delivery of resources to patients with SUD as important. Of this group, 55% were aware that the list was available to give patients and only 20% of them knew how to access it. After two months of education, 100% of surveyed providers viewed the delivery of resources to patients with SUD as important. We increased the awareness and knowledge of its accessibility by 18% and 60%, respectively, from baseline. Conclusion Our quality improvement project increased awareness and ease of access of the SUD resource list. These successes demonstrate that a simple delivery method for resource lists can be implemented in a short time. Our next steps include spreading awareness of how to access the list electronically through biweekly education sessions and ongoing surveying, as well as educating other hospital departments. We are currently assessing whether retrospective chart reviews may help determine the frequency of its use

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