The More, the Not Marry-Er: In Search of a Policy Behind Eligibility for California Domestic Partnerships


This Comment examines California Assembly Bill 25 which grants certain civic rights to state-registered domestic partners. The author seeks to provide background to the development of the current statutory scheme and examine whether any coherent policy supports the statute\u27s expansion to include greater numbers of opposite-sex couples. The author begins by examining the substantive benefits that California domestic partnerships provide and to whom those benefits are offered. She continues to explore the background of the current domestic partnership scheme in California against the backdrop of the ways that other states have sought to address the needs of nontraditional couples and families. The author then examines the legislative history of Assembly Bill 25 and the possible purposes behind expanding eligibility for domestic partnerships. The author concludes that there is no concrete policy behind such an expansion. She offers suggestions regarding the likely purpose behind this expansion and recommends that other states that wish to follow California\u27s model adopt a clear policy behind eligibility

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