Marine-Nonmarine Relationships in the Cenozoic Section of California


Highly fossiliferous marine sediments of Cenozoic age are widely distributed in the coastal parts of central and southern California, as well as in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley region farther inland. Even more widespread are nonmarine, chiefly terrestrial, sequences of Cenozoic strata, many of which contain vertebrate faunas characterized by a dominance of mammalian forms. These strata are most abundant in the Mojave Desert region and in the interior parts of areas that lie nearer the coast. Marine and nonmarine strata are in juxtaposition or interfinger with one another at many places, especially in the southern Coast Ranges and the San Joaquin basin to the east, in the Transverse Ranges and adjacent basins, and in several parts of the Peninsular Range region and the Coachella-Imperial Valley to the east. These occurrences of closely related marine and nonmarine deposits permit critical comparisons between the Pacific Coast mammalian (terrestrial) and invertebrate (marine) chronologies, and it is with these comparisons-examined in the light of known stratigraphic relations-that this paper is primarily concerned. The writers have drawn freely upon the published record for geologic and paleontologic data. In addition, Durham has reviewed many of the invertebrate faunas and has checked the field relations of marine strata in parts of the Ventura and Soledad basins, the Tejon Hills, and the Cammatta Ranch; Jahns has studied new vertebrate material from the Soledad basin and has mapped this area and critical areas in the vicinity of San Diego, in the Ventura basin, and in the Caliente Range; and Savage has made a detailed appraisal of the vertebrate assemblages, and has mapped critical areas in the Tejon Hills. The areas and localities that have been most carefully scrutinized are shown in figure 1. The manuscript was reviewed in detail by G. Edward Lewis of the U. S. Geological Survey, who made numerous comments and suggestions that resulted in considerable improvement. It should be noted that his views are not wholly compatible with some of those expressed in this paper, and that his critical appraisal thus was particularly helpful

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