Biały wywiad w policji - narzędzie rozpoznawania zagrożeń terrorystycznych


The paper considers the identification o f threats o f terrorist nature by the police, with the emphasis on the potential o f open-source intelligence in the area. Open-source intelligence is a tool that makes it possible to obtain and analyse correctly information from open sources, and primarily to acquire objective and reliable conclusions. Setting the research in the context o f the national system o f identifying, countering, and reacting to crime o f terrorist nature, the author makes an attempt to answer the question how information obtained from open sources can contribute to developing knowledge o f such threats. Moreover, the work contains an analysis o f the vertical and horizontal information flow in the police, and accounts for the significance o f information from open sources. A study o f police regulations and other acts o f law, referring to the position and tasks o f the police in the system for countering and fighting terrorist threats, a review o f Polish and foreign literature, and own observations from police practice provide convenient complementation o f legal information. The author emphasises his observations on the so-called “culture o f secrecy” predominant in the circulation o f information in police and special forces today and suggests an alternative solution, namely “share information” (kultura wymiany informacji). Presentation o f the problem aims primarily at portraying both opportunities (new solutions) and limitations in the use o f open source intelligence in police practice o f identifying terrorist threats

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