Performance evaluation of Kangemi Sewage Plant in nutrients and organic matter removal, Nyeri Kenya


This study estimates the efficiency of Kangemi Sewage Plant. Hence, contributing to understanding the performance of the treatment plant and its impacts on water pollution. The plant treats wastewater through conventional processes. For environmental quality assurance, its performance requires a consistent monitoring to evaluate the impact of the effluents to the receiving waters. Changes in the properties of the effluent can occur along the treatment process, but the final effluent quality is determined by the effectiveness of the treatment process. Key nutrients (Nitrogen and Phosphorus), TSS and BOD5 were determined as the water quality indicators. Kruskal-Wallis test was run at p<0.05 significance. Nitrogen, BOD5 and TSS indicated a significant difference among the sites. No significant difference for Phosphorus and pH. Removal efficiency for (BOD5), TSS, Ammonia and TN were 60%, 85%, 59% and 54% respectively. Consequently, the plant had a high removal efficiency for N but low for P

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