
Study of consensus protocols and improvement of the Federated Byzantine Agreement (FBA) algorithm


At a present time, it has been proven that blockchain technology has influenced to a great extent the way of human interaction in a digital world. The operation of the blockchain systems allows the peers to implement digital transactions in a Peer to Peer (P2P) network in a direct way without the need of third parties. Each blockchain determines different rules for the record of the transactions in the ledger. The transactions are inserted in blocks and each one, in turn, is appended to the chain (ledger) based on different consensus algorithms. Once blocks have been inserted in the chain, the consensus has been reached and the blocks with corresponding transactions are considered immutable. This thesis analyses the main features of the blockchain and how the consensus can be achieved through the different kinds of consensus algorithms. In addition, a detailed reference for Stellar and Federated Byzantine Agreement (FBA) consensus protocols is made in order to explain these algorithms, their limitations as well as their improvement. The development of a reputation mechanism is necessary to the improvement of above algorithms

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