Tick-related facial cellulitis caused by francisella tularensis


Tick-borne illnesses have diverse biological and clinical features that make recognition and appropriate treatment challenging. Arthropod-transmitted (ticks, fleas and deer flies) tularaemia remains a concern worldwide. Generally, two kinds of tularaemia manifestations, namely ulceroglandular and glandular infections, can arise from the bite of an infected arthropod vector. If the ulceroglandular or glandular form is not treated, suppuration can arise from the gland. In addition, cellulitis is rarely observed around the ulcers. In our case, with the knowledge of tick exposure to the scalp, tularaemia was not initially considered for facial cellulitis without regional lymphadenopathy and also due to apparent failure to respond to doxycycline and gentamicin therapy. Serological confirmation in the late stages of the disease suggests the importance of clinical suspicion in such rare conditions

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