Electro Mobility and Possible Scenarios for Slovakia


Arbeit an der Bibliothek noch nicht eingelangt - Daten nicht geprueftThis master thesis set out several questions aimed at the situation at electromobility in Slovakia in the scope of mid-term horizon. Will be the country among leaders or followers regarding use of electromobiles? Following questions have been asked and there was put effort for trying to find relevant answers. Questions and ansvers: When will it be favourable for the average Slovak consumer to own an electric car? Several types of calculations have been done to compare kind of total costs of ownership of vehicles with combustion engine and electromobiles during the life cycle of ten years. Acquisition cost of the electromobile and changing of battery during that time created advantage for clasic car ovnership. Comparation of the price of electromobile with average income in Slovakia have indicated, that aveage Slovak customer would have to work three to four years to be able to buy vehicle with electric engine. Electromobile can be more attractive in the case vhen its price decreases to the one of the clasic car in the same cathegory. Can Slovakias energy system cope with increased electricity consumption when the share of electric cars in the total number of passenger cars increases? Can the grid cope with peak loads caused by charging electric vehicles? Slovakia has actually 9% underproduction of electric energy, however should have 9% of overproduction in 2022. If there would be 30% of electromobiles in 2030 (assumption of IEA), they consume 6% of the production. Electric power would be sufficient. The grid can cope with peak loads having 40 -50% reserve in immediate power production. Will Slovakia have sufficient infrastructure to allow the development of electro-mobility and who will carry the largest share of costs in its creation? Ansver to this question depends on activities of private sector, which will bear majority of the costs representing over 160 mil. Euro according to strategy paper issued by Ministry of Economy. How will the state deal with the resulting decrease in excise duty on mineral oils - fuels? Having 30% of electric vehicles the fallout in state buget income would be 2,5% - arroung 35 mil. Eur. It is very realistic, that state would like to ballance this ammount either through increasing excise tax on mineral oils, or increasing of the price of eletricity. Most probable is, that it can be applied on both.8

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