
Patterns of Convective Influence and Temperature in the TTL during ATTREX


The Tropical Tropopause Layer, a zonal torus of air around 13-18km altitude and -30 to 30 latitude,is the gatekeeper for air entering the stratosphere from the troposphere. The overall speed of theupward motion affects the input of all the trace constituents, but how the upward transfer is distributedbetween convective injection and slow ascent indirectly driven by breaking waveshas a critical effect on both water and some short-lived species (e.g., bromine compounds). Convection'spotential ability to bypass the cold trap in the center of the TTL torus can contribute to stratospherichydration. Convection can also quickly move short-lived tracers to higher altitudes (and higher ozonevalues), and contribute to ozone destruction.This presentation focusses on the relationship of convectively influenced air to temperature in the TTL, withan emphasis on the qualitative evolution during ATTREX. We use a technique of obtaining global, highresolution distributions of convective cloud tops at 3-hourly intervals to derive distributions ofconvectively influenced air in the TTL, and examine its relationship to TTL temperature. TTL temperaturedistributions are often affected directly by convection, but equatorial and other gravity waves having a varietyof space and time scales are also important. The relationship of these temperature patterns to outputfrom convection will determine whether hydrated air remains in the TTL, or whether it is stripped of itswater soon after injection

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