
Isotopes of H, N, and O in H Chondrite Xenoliths


Brecciated H chrondites host a variety of xenoliths, including unshocked, phyllosilate-rich carbonaceous chondrites (CCs) [1-2]. The brecciated H chondrite Zag (H3-6) is one of two chondrites to host macroscopic (1 - 5mm), xenolithic crystals of halite (NaCl) with aqueous fluid inclusions and organics [3-4]. A ~1cm CC xenolith in Zag (Zag clast) also encloses halite in its matrix, linking the halite and the xenolith to the same parent object. The Zag clast has mineralogy similar to CI chondrites, but it has a unique bulk oxygen isotopic composition among all meteorites (17O = 1.49 0.04 , 18O = 22.38 0.17 ) and is therefore derived from a uniquely sampled parent object [5-6]. Organics have high bulk D and 15N values with isotopic "hotspots" similar to organics in CR chondrites and Bells (C2-ung.) [6-7]. Bulk 15N is also similar to CRs and Bells [7]. We provide further isotopic characterization of the Zag clast to constrain the formation temperature and origin of its primary and secondary components

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