How Can Organizations Instill a Continuous Learning Culture to Drive Innovation and Growth?


[Excerpt] The single biggest driver of business impact is the strength of an organization’s learning culture. Living in today’s fast-changing environment, more and more companies are realizing that by instilling a learning culture, the company can achieve a wide variety of business benefits, including innovation, learning agility, market share, and growth. In addition, the current competition among organizations lies beyond the abilities to leverage their current resources and capabilities. In order to win the ‘20s, leaders will need to reinvent and redesign their enterprise as a next generation learning organization. In other words, leaders need to focus on how to ensure their company is looking forward and preparing for the future to drive innovation and increase growth in order to sustain and survive. Despite the numerous business and economic advantages of having a learning culture in an organization, a recent study by the Society of Human Resource Management shows that only around 1 in 10 companies have a true learning culture. Therefore, this report will focus on why learning is essential to innovation and growth, what a learning organization looks like and how companies can build a learning culture

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