Education Maintenance Allowance Pilots for Vulnerable Young People and Childcare Pilots : implementation and reported impacts in the first two years (2000-2001/2001-2002)


This is the second and final report of the evaluation of the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) Vulnerable Pilots. These pilots were introduced by the Department for Education and Employment (now the Department for Education and Skills) in 2000 and extended the scope of the main EMA pilots by focusing on young people believed to be especially vulnerable to economic and social exclusion in four LEA areas. The evaluation has focused on three specific groups of young people who were the original focus of the Vulnerable Pilots, young people who are homeless, teenage parents and young people with disabilities. The definition of ‘vulnerability’ has since been widened to encompass many more young people, such as young offenders and those who finish compulsory education with no or low qualifications

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