An evaluation of a pilot CPD activity to support the development of D&T subject networks in secondary schools


This paper summarises the key findings of an evaluation of a pilot CPD project to support the development of innovative curriculum materials and CPD activities. It explores how the technologies available through CAD/CAM and EiSS can be mutually supportive and help teachers to develop KS3 activities that involve designing and making a functional electronic product to a high standard using CAD/CAM and PIC technologies. The paper introduces the pilot project and outlines the methodology used for both the project and for the evaluation of the project. An outline of events is presented along with a short description of the four schemes of work that were developed and trialled. A summary of the findings from the evaluation is then presented. These are divided into. • Development of subject knowledge; • Development of pedagogic knowledge; • Adaptation based on school centred knowledge; • Outcomes of student interaction, and; • Discussion on integrating CAD/CAM and electronics

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