Investigating the effect of clothing layers and their frictional properties on metabolic rate


The effects of protective clothing (PPC) on metabolic rate were investigated in the first study of this thesis. Significant increases in the metabolic cost of work were found wearing a range of PPC and a number of suggestions put forward, following observations from the study and the literature, as to the possible factors that might be contributing to this increase. Subsequently weight and its distribution on the waist and limbs was studied, with results suggesting that the weight of the protective garments would have had an effect on the metabolic rate. However the results from the weight study could not account for all of the metabolic rate increases recorded in the PPC garments, unless it would be assumed all weight was located at the wrists and ankles, which seems rather unrealistic. Another concept suggested by a number of authors who also found similar increases in energy cost / oxygen consumption in PPC is that of a friction drag between layers, frictional resistance as one layer slides over another during movement. Despite being mentioned in the discussion and conclusions of a number of papers only one study has been found on the contribution of clothing friction and its effects on performance. However the study predominantly looked at task performance measures rather than energy cost / metabolic rate

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