
Measuring transverse size with virtual photons


Fourier transforming the virtual photon transverse momentum in \gamma*(q)+N \to f processes allows new insight into hadron dynamics as a function of impact parameter b. I discuss how previous analyses of charge density based on elastic and transition form factors (f=N, N*) can be generalized to any multi-hadron final state (f=\pi N, \pi\pi N, \bar D \Lambda_c,...). The b-distribution determines the transverse positions of the quarks that the photon couples to, and can be studied as a function of multiplicity, the relative transverse momenta, quark masses and polarization. The method requires no factorization nor leading twist approximation. Data with spacelike photon virtualities in the range 0 1/Q_{max} in impact parameter.Comment: Talk at the Third International Workshop on Transverse Polarization Phenomena in Hard Scattering (Transversity 2011), in Veli Losinj, Croatia, 29 August - 2 September 2011. 7 page

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