Thin film THERMONO for cathode temperature gradient of SOFC


High thermal gradient is considered as the main reason for cell degradation and failure. A sizeable number of the available scientific work related to the problem in the literature is focused on using simulation or modelling to predict temperature distribution in the cell. THERMONO, a novel temperature monitoring sensor, has been developed by the authors’ group. THERMONO is capable of monitor {N2} temperature reading by using {2N} number of external wires, e.g. temperature measurement at 400 multiple points simultaneously can be done only use around 20 wires, whilst commercial thermocouple using 800 wires. However, there are still difficulties in accurate and real time temperature measurement from a cell stack for practical implementations and desired resolution. Wiring based sensors, which are normally large in size, that are mounted on the cell electrode surface can make significant disturbance to gas flow and operating conditions. In this study, an innovative method is developed to overcome these limitations associated with implementing the large sized wire sensors. Nano-scale thin film THERMONO (FT-THERMONO) will be fabricated on the cell electrode surface to provide enabling technique for in-situ temperature monitoring of the cell with higher spatial and temporal resolution compared to wire sensors. The novel TF-THERMONO architecture will be directly deposited on a test cell’s (50mmx50mm, NextCell-5) electrode surface via sputtering technique. As a result, the test cells’ cathode in-situ temperature distribution will be monitored during the normal operation. TF-THERMONO has a great potential for in-situ temperature monitoring by minimizing the unnecessary impact to the cell’s operation thus its performance

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