Assessment of coliform contamination in drinking water from source to point of use in Mysore city of Karnataka, India


Drinking water supply of Mysore city was assessed for coliform contamination. A 277 drinking water samples were randomly collected from different water sources such as bore wells, taps of consumer points and stored household water samples. The samples were analyzed for microbial parameters like heterotrophic plate count and coliform count. Out of 226 samples from consumer points, 80 samples were contaminated with enteric bacteria. Nearly 325 isolates of coliform were identified of which there were 79 E. coli, 26 Salmonella, 92 Klebsiella and 98 Citrobacter isolates. From the study, the isolation of pathogenic microorganisms indicated that the stored household water was unsafe. Coliform contamination in household water was high even when source water was of good quality. The present study highlights the population’s hygiene, health behavior and environmental sanitation. Coliform in stored household water suggests that improvement in behavior and water hygiene practices can improve the household water quality

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