In order to meet the Sustainable Development Goals criteria for sustainable sanitation, sanitation
solutions must safely separate humans from waste and include safe disposal in situ or treatment off-site of
excreta. In 2016, Water Mission conducted a cross-sectional evaluation assessing the function, use, and
pit management of 15,644 pour-flush latrines installed in Colón, Honduras between 2007 and 2015.
Continued function of 85% of latrines and continued use of 82% demonstrated viability of the latrines, at
least up until the point of pit fill. Of the 15% of pits that had filled at the time of survey, nearly 77% of
households had not taken any action to enable ongoing pit functionality, likely attributable to a lack of
planning. Increased education and programming on pit management and the training of a local mason
are now integrated into the employed approach in efforts to improve the longer-term viability of this
sanitation solution