Pharmacies and medication information system in Jeddah City, Saudi Arabia


It is acknowledged that the introduction of Health Information Systems (HIS) have contributed to the reorganization of the methods used in health services for Health Information Management. Managers in the health services benefit from Health Information Systems provision both strategically and operationally, for example in the planning of new services and more routinely in assisting health professionals in making informed medical decisions. Health services in developed countries already have Health Information Systems (HIS) in place but their adoption in developing countries has been less widespread. In Jeddah, KSA there is a lack of a unified HIS. Health service provision in Jeddah is spread between a wide range of governmental and private health services. The lack of unification of these services and a bespoke HIS has led to problems for both patients and healthcare professionals. This research focuses on the methods of prescribing medication, provision of supplies and the dispensing of medication within pharmacies. [Continues.

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