Software and hardware implementation techniques for digital communications-related algorithms


There are essentially three areas addressed in the body of this thesis. (a) The first is a theoretical investigation into the design and development of a practically realizable implementation of a maximum-likelihood detection process to deal with digital data transmission over HF radio links. These links exhibit multipath properties with delay spreads that can easily extend over 12 to 15 milliseconds. The project was sponsored by the Ministry of Defence through the auspices of the Science and Engineering Research Council. The primary objective was to transmit voice band data at a minimum rate of 2.4 kb/s continuously for long periods of time during the day or night. Computer simulation models of HF propagation channels were created to simulate atmospheric and multipath effects of transmission from London to Washington DC, Ankara, and as far as Melbourne, Australia. Investigations into HF channel estimation are not the subject of this thesis. The detection process assumed accurate knowledge of the channel. [Continues.

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