Beyond water service coverage for slum dwellers: multiple water uses for livelihood enhancement


National Water and Sewerage Corporation and Loughborough University implemented a research project ‘Livelihoods from Enhanced Water Access for the Poor in Slums’ (LEAPS), funded under the DFID’s Water Security for the Poor (REACH) Program. The overall aim of LEAPS was to improve water security for development growth for the urban poor and was implemented in Kampala slums in Uganda. Data was collected through community meetings, observations, focus group discussions, key informant and household interviews. This aided development of a slum-specific MUS framework. Key findings were (i) piped water was predominantly used for productive uses; (ii) access to water services was still perceived a challenge for some residents; (iii) community groups and households interested in MUS activities require start-up funding; and (iv) stakeholder organisations were willing to work with NWSC to implement the MUS framework. The developed framework could be adapted by utilities in other cities to enhance livelihoods for slum-dwellers

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