Analisis Alih Fungsi Lahan Mangrove di Kawasan Pesisir Kota Banda Aceh


The tsunami of 2004 has resulted in many coastal areas and less land damaged coastal mangroves in Banda Aceh. The purposes of this study were detection of convertion in land distribution multitemporal mangrove in Banda Aceh in the period 2004, 2009, and 2014. The qualitative descriptive analysis of the utilization of remote sensing data. Maximum Likelihood Classification and field surveys conducted for analysis spatial distribution of mangrove at different observation periods. The analysis convertion in the mangrove land area in 2004, 2009 and 2014. Reduction of mangrove land area occurred in 2009, while an increase in the mangrove land area occurred in 2014. The distribution of land-convertion is highest mangroves in the district of Syiah Kuala, Kuta Raja, Jaya Baru and Meuraxa is experienced a reduction in an area of 120,25 hectares or 102,43 percent of the convertion into residential land by 57.72 percent or 441.53 Ha

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