Perencanaan Suplai Energi Listrik Untuk Mencapai Zero Energy Building Pada Rencana Pusat Kegiatan Kemahasiswaa Dan Olahraga Di Kampus Universitas Kristen Indonesia


This research plans the energy supply will be used for The main of students and sports's program in Universitas Kristen Indonesia. There are three kind of energy supply alternative which available in this research, the first is Offgrid system which only applied by solar panel, and then Off-grid system which lean on a hybird like a solar panel and diesel generator, and the other system is on-grid system activated by solar panel which already linked to the system. The method used is a technical and financial feasibility study for each option. The financial aspects that are taken into account are maintenance costs, operating costs, procurement costs and other costs. Technical aspects are influenced by the type of solar panel, the amount of load, type of battery, and other variables The application used to perform technical and financial analysis is RETScreen. Technical and financial analysis is done after knowing the sum of the load. While an appropriate selection has finished by RETScreen application, there will show the result like the great emission is using a solar panel alternative with 0 tons CO2/year, the next is an alternative by using a solar panel gather with on-grid system to utilize solar rooftop, the result is 559 tons CO2/year and the hybrid option with a yield of 1874 tons of CO2 / year is the worst option. The best cost calculation result is the first option, that is, with solar panels, the positive side is faster when using for 11 years and 6 months, the comparison of the cost of the second option with the first option is 1: 1.02 and the hybrid system as the last option with never results. there is on the positive side (always loss) for 25 years of the project. It can be concluded that the best choice is an off-grid system but the land used is very wide, so another alternative option is the on-grid system by installing rooftop solar. Keywords: solar cells, electrical energy, emissions, calculation of electrical energy, RETScree

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