Perancangan dan Pengujian Perangkat Lunak Web Service Pengolahan Data Siswa


Software design web service aims to integrate the exchange of data accessed by other systems. In this thesis research the authors use case studies and in the Research and Development. In the modeling system using the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The design method used is agile methods approach with a model Incremental Development process consisting of stages: Specification, Development and Validation. The software testing method used is Black-Box. Software Design Webservice is designed using Hypertext PreProsessor programming language (PHP), processing using a MySQL database and XAMPP Program to run the application program. Apache as the web server program. As for designing the look of web pages using Macromedia Dreamwever 8 and Sublime Text. In the design through the stages of Specification, Stage Development, Validation phase and the testing phase. The results of this thesis research in the form of Software Webservice processing of student data that can meet the demand for information about existing student data quickly and easily, there is integration between the system used and can be accessed by other systems are differen

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