The Management of Patient with Oligodontia Associated With Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder – A Rare Case Report


Oligodontia is characterized by missing six or more teeth in primary and permanent dentition exclusive of the third molars. Hereditary is the main etiologic factor and the principal clinical features are reduction in number of teeth, changes in the morphology of teeth, their eruption time and improper development of alveolar ridges. Prevalence of Oligodontia is 0.35% in Indian population. Treatment of Oligodontia is through a multidisciplinary approach. Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) is the most commonly diag-nosed behavioural disorder of childhood. It is a problem with inattentiveness, over-activity, impulsivity, or a combination. It affects about 3-5% of school aged children. ADHD may run in families, but the etiology is unknown. Depression, lack of sleep, learning disability and behavioural problems may appear with ADHD.The aim of this study was to describe a clinical case of 7 year old child with multiple congenital missing teeth associated with ADHD syndrome. &nbsp

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