A DNA Framework to Predict the Role of Communication in System Reliability


The global business environment involves an extreme level of risk and complexity which is an essential requirement for future growth. Each year, organizations around the world face astronomical project failure rates. A study revealed that on every 1billionspentontheproject,1 billion spent on the project, 135 million is at risk. From this $135 million more than half is on the risk due to poor communication. Most of the communication audit tools assessed in the literature, evaluate communication from the organization perspective and does not address how to evaluate communication between the departments and assess the reliability of communication. In this research, Clayton Homes was used as a case study to evaluate the communication between two departments. Sales/Engineering Department was considered as encoders and Production Department was considered as decoders. The attributes of communication were identified to develop the survey questions. One survey was developed for encoders and one for decoders. Analytical Hierarchical Process was used to find the weights of the attributes. T- test was used to compare the mean of two groups. Pearson Correlation was used to identify the correlation between the attributes. Probability Density Function was used to calculate the reliability of communication between two departments. This study will contribute to the current academic research by providing a method to analyze the reliability of communication between two departments

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