Application of Lasers in Prosthodontics


In clinical dentistry lasers were introduced with the hope of overcoming some of the drawbacks posed by the conventional methods of dental procedures. Since its first experiment for dental application in the 1960s, the use of laser has increased rapidly in the last couple of decades. The specialty of Prosthodontics takes all concepts of dentistry and integrates effective comprehensive treatment planning. The practice will necessarily include a wide variety of patients seeking a diverse range of care. These include individuals who are highly fearful of dentistry and have long-term neglected care and those who have complex medical histories and require more specialized, advanced procedures. Some also have phobias and/or allergies to anesthetics. Lasers have become an integral part of treatment for these patients. The aim of this review is to describe the current and emerging applications for lasers in prosthetic dentistry. Used in conjunction with or as a replacement for traditional methods, it is observed that specific laser technologies are becoming an essential component of contemporary dental practice over a decade

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