Rimski nagrobni napis je bil odkrit leta 2004 v cerkvi prikraju Deutschfeistritz v dolini Mure okoli 20 km severozahod-no od Gradca. Ohranjen je fragmentarno, delno je tudi poško-dovan zaradi sekundarne rabe kot gradbeni element. Eden izmeddružinskih članov, katerim je bil nagrobnik posvečen, je bilprej neznan municipalni kvestor iz Celeje. Na osnovi dimenzijmarmornega kosa lahko sklepamo, da je nekoč moral biti delmonumentalne grobne arhitekture. Najdišče groba ni znano,gotovo pa je pripadalo administrativnemu območju Flavije Solve.V tem arheološkem okolju so našli več ostankov iz rimske dobe:npr. dva miljnika in celoten niz ostankov naselbine./A Roman tombstone inscription came to light in 2004 in achurch near Deutschfeistritz in the Mur valley about 20 kmnorthwest of Graz. It had been fragmented and partly dam-aged in the course of secondary use as a building element. Thebeginning of the text is not preserved. One of the family mem-bers to be commemorated was a previously unknown munic-ipal quaestor from Celeia. Due to its dimensions, the marblepiece once must have been part of a monumental tomb struc-ture. The site of the tomb is unidentified but it certainly be-longed to the administrative area of Flavia Solva. The archae-ological surroundings contain several remains from the Ro-man period, e.g. two milestones and a whole series of settle-ment remains