Sodobna sociologija o problemih etničnosti, narodov (nacionalizmov) in današnja arheologija


The article deals with the role of contemporary sociological theories about nations and nationalisms, specifically two outstanding representatives among the theoreticians - Ernest Gellner and Anthony David Smith - and their role in understanding the collective identity in archaeology, calling attention to inconsistencies tied to the poor knowledge of sociological theories about nationalism, and indicating a new path to comprehending ethnicity, which was introduced into archaeology by Siân Jones.Članek obravnava vlogo sodobne sociološke teorije o narodih in nacionalizmih oziroma dva izrazita predstavnika med teoretiki - socialnega antropologa Ernesta Gellnerja in sociologa Anthonyja Davida Smitha - in njuno vlogo pri razumevanju kolektivnih identitet v arheologiji, opozarja na nedoslednosti povezane s slabim poznavanjem socioloških teorij o nacionalizmih in nakazuje novo pot k razumevanju etničnosti, ki jo v arheologijo uvaja Siân Jones

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