The Kaptol Group and the Požega Valley


V zadnjih dveh desetletjih se je večina s kaptolsko kulturno skupino povezanih raziskav odvijala v Požeški kotlini. Železnodobne skupnosti na tem območju vsekakor pripadajo vzhodnohalštatskemu kulturnemu kompleksu, a so imele tudi zelo močne stike z jugom, kar je še zlasti vidno v poznohalštatskem obdobju. Številni predmeti, kot so deli oborožitve in noše, dosežejo prav v Požeški kotlini svoje najbolj oddaljene točke razprostranjenosti v evropskih okvirih. Preliminarne geofizikalne raziskave na velikem in prosperirajočem naselju z dolgo kontinuiteto kažejo na visoko organizirano, skoraj urbano strukturo. Arheobotanične analize spreminjajo opredelitev grobnega rituala teh skupnosti. Lidarski posnetki kažejo na nov policentričen model ustroja skupnosti v Požeški kotlini. Raziskave na najdišču Bangradac pa dopuščajo hipotezo, da so železnodobna središča Požeške kotline nastala z opuščanjem poznobronastodobnih utrjenih naselij in ustanavljanjem novih središč na nižjih obronkih bližje dolini. Odnos tako imenovane kaptolske skupine in sosednjih pokrajin še vedno ni jasno definiran.In the last two decades, most of the research related to the Kaptol Cultural group took place in the Požega Valley. The Iron Age communities of this area certainly belong to the Eastern Hallstatt Cultural Complex, but also had very strong ties with the south, which is particularly noticeable in the Late Hallstatt period. Numerous items discovered in the Požega Valley, including various types of weapons and elements of attire found here their farthest points of distribution within European framework. Preliminary geophysical investigations of the large and prosperous settlement with the long continuity point to highly organised, almost urban structure. The archaeobotanical methods have altered our perception and definition of the burial ritual of these communities. The LiDAR data indicate a polycentric model of the community structure in the Požega Valley. Investigations of the site Bangradac allow a hypothesis that the Iron Age centres of the Požega Valley were created after the Late Bronze Age fortified settlements had been abandoned. The new settlements were established on the lower slopes, closer to the valley. The relationship between the so-called Kaptol Group and neighbouring regions has not yet been defined

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