Settlements in the Sulm River valley during the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age – new research of the Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz


Najdišče Kleinklein pri Großkleinu z okolico v dolini reke Solbe (Sulm) je že skoraj 175 let sinonim za eno najslavnejših najdišč iz starejše železne dobe v Evropi. Najdbe, kot so bronasta maska in roke, zvončasti oklepi in bronaste posode s punciranim okrasom, sodijo med najpomembnejše eksponate arheološke zbirke v Joanneumu. Leta 2010 so sodelavci Joanneuma začeli nove raziskave arheološke krajine v porečju reke Solbe (Sulm), ki obsegajo analize lidarskih posnetkov in zračnih fotografij, geofizikalne raziskave, terenske izmere ter arheološka izkopavanja z arheobotaničnimi in arheozoološkimi analizami. V okviru teh raziskav so leta 2015 ob rigolanju na južnem pobočju Burgstallkogla pri Großkleinu odkrili in raziskali zgorelo ruševino stavbe iz starejše železne dobe. S tem odkritjem so pridobili nove podatke o načinu gradnje na Burgstallkoglu. Od leta 2017 se posvečajo raziskavam okoliške krajine, še posebej na približno 4,5 km zračne črte oddaljeni utrjeni naselbini na Königsbergu pri Heimschuhu.For almost 175 years, the site Kleinklein near Großklein in the valley of the Sulm River has been synonymous as one of the most famous sites from the Early Iron Age in Europe. The bronze mask and hands, bell-shaped armour, and figural decorated vessels with punctuation are masterpieces of the archaeological collection in the Joanneum, which has been conducting diverse research since the very discovery of the site. In 2010, we started new archaeological landscape research in the Sulm River Basin, which includes analyses of lidar images and aerial photographs, geophysical research, field measurements and archaeological excavations with archaeobotanical and archaeozoological analyses. In the course of these studies, in 2015, we discovered and explored the burnt ruins of a building that dates to the Early Iron Age. With this discovery, we obtained the first data on the prehistoric buildings at Burgstallkogel near Großklein. In 2017, new research on the landscape around the Iron Age centre at Burgstallkogel started, in particular on the 4.5 km distant fortified settlement on Königsberg near Heimschuh

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