Comparison of Ultrasound Guided Supra Clavicular and Infra Clavicular Blocks for Upper Extremity Surgery


AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To compare the block performance time, overall effectiveness, commonly escaped nerves and the incidence of adverse events in ultrasound guided supra clavicular and infra clavicular blocks for upper extremity surgery METHODS: This study was prospective, randomised, double blind in nature.50 adult patients belonging to American society of anaesthesiologists physical status grades 1 and 2, of either gender aged between 17 and 60 years undergoing Upper limb orthopaedic surgery were randomly allocated into two equal groups:group SC received supra clavicular block and group IC received infra clavicular block. Both the groups received 15 ml of 1.5% Lignocaine and 15 ml of 0.5% bupivacaine with Injection Adrenaline 5 microgram/millilitre. RESULTS: The time taken for the procedure in group SC was 5.88+/-1.53 and in group IC was 10.88+/-3.11 (p < 0.001) with faster performance time for supra clavicular block. But the overall effectiveness was better with group IC with fischer exact p value-0.05. CONCLUSION: Ultrasound guided infra clavicular block has better overall effectiveness, with less escaping of nerves, less complications and longer performance time than ultrasound guided supra clavicular block

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