
The biology and ecology of Conocarpuserectus var. sericeus are poorly known,leading to its undervaluation as a member ofthe mangrove ecosystem. It was importantto investigate seed germination in order to advance knowledge of this species. This study was carried out in two phases. The fieldphase consisted of identifying trees withseeds and collecting infructescences. Thelaboratory phase was directed at cleaningand assaying the seeds to get sample weight,purity, and germination results with differenttreatments. The germination test lasted fiveweeks and used 2 500 pure seeds that weredivided into groups of 500 seeds for eachof the five treatments utilized. After settingaside the control group, tests were performedusing physical and chemical abrasion withHCl on two replicates to break exogenouslatency, and imposing H2O2 and refrigerationon the other two replicates to break endogenous latency. The experimental design wasapplied in randomized complete blocks,because the source of variation for the number of seeds germinated per week was considered important for the practical goals ofthe study. Repeated Measures ANOVA wasused, because variation in seed number wasconsidered important. The sample weighed23.22 g and was 78% pure. The ANDEVAtest established that there was no significantdifference between the treatments, but thatthere was a significant difference among thenumber of germinated seeds per week, thesecond week being the different one. Also,the time X treatment interaction effect withH2O2 was significant in week one, as was therefrigeration effect in week two.La biología y ecología de Conocarpuserectus var. sericeus Grisebash son pococonocidas, lo que ha provocado su subvaloración como integrante del ecosistema demanglar. Se consideró importante conocerla germinación de su semilla para comenzarcon los estudios sobre su conocimiento. Elestudio se realizó en dos fases: campo, conla identificación de árboles semilleros y recolección de infrutescencias; y laboratorio,masa de la muestra, análisis de pureza y lacomparación de germinación de semillascon diferentes tratamientos. La prueba degerminación duró cinco semanas, se utilizaron 2 500 semillas, las cuales fuerondivididas en lotes de 500 semillas para cadauno de los cinco tratamientos utilizados;dos para romper la latencia exógena: físicoabrasivo y químico con HCl, otros dos parala latencia endógena: H2O2 y refrigeración,además, de un testigo. Se aplicó un ANDEVAde medidas repetidas, dado que la fuente de variación del número de semillas germinadaspor semana se consideró importante para losfines prácticos del estudio. Los resultadosobtenidos muestran 23.23 g de peso de lamuestra y un porcentaje de pureza de 78%.El análisis de medidas repetidas establecióque no existe diferencia significativa entrelos tratamientos, pero si entre el númerode semillas germinadas por semana, siendola semana dos la que marcó la diferencia.Existe, además, un efecto significativo de lainteracción tiempo-tratamiento, con H2O2 enla semana 1 y refrigeración en la semana 2

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