Developing and implementing trauma informed care principles: A pilot project


Background: Exposure to childhood trauma have lifelong consequences effecting the health and well-being of the individuals who experienced or witnessed the trauma. As healthcare providers, we must recognize patients who have been exposed to trauma and ensure that it is responded to appropriately. This approach is known as trauma informed care. Objective: The purpose of this quality improvement project was to increase knowledge, opinion, and self-rated competence related to trauma informed care through the use of an educational intervention. Application of trauma informed care into daily practice was monitored through semi-structured interviews with project participants. Methods: Registered nurses from the women’s and children’s division of a Magnet designated, community hospital in Virginia were invited to attend an instructor led class on the key aspects of trauma informed care. Training was developed using Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA) trauma informed care guidelines and facility data collected during a 2018 organizational assessment. Lewin’s change theory was the theoretical framework for the project. Results: Statistically significant changes in nurse’s knowledge, opinions, and competence in applying trauma informed care were noted after attending the trauma informed care educational session. Participants consistently reported the importance of recognizing the effects trauma may have on patients and their families. Accounts of positive nurse driven experiences after the application of trauma informed care principles were also self-reported during post-intervention interviews. Conclusion: This quality improvement project yielded positive results related to using education to increase knowledge, opinions, and competence in providing trauma informed care. After the intervention, participants were also able to apply trauma informed care to daily practice producing positive nurse-patient relationships. This project supports the need for further research in the relationship of the application of trauma informed care and patient outcomes. Key words: trauma informed care, pediatrics, educatio

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