Problem zaštite obrazovno-vaspitnih ustanova od visokotehnološkog kriminala i elektronskog nasilja


The article analyses the problems that appear in the process of protecting the educational institutions from the security risks in cyber space - cyber crime and cyberbullying. Due to main characteristics and nature of security risks in cyber space, children, adolescents and students are particularly vulnerable category of Internet users. Having this on mind, we can conclude that educational institutions are an important factor in the process of prevention and control of security risks that young people face in cyber space. The authors analyze the legal framework and the actual situation in this domain and propose concrete measures for the reduction of security risks in cyber space, and consider the capacities and importance of building and implementing the unique, functional and pragmatic multi-layer protection model. The first part of the article is dedicated to the analyses of the legal framework for countering cyber crime, with the consideration of the normative legal acts that regulate the protection of children and students from the violence, malestation and neglection in the school environment. The authors also focus on the legal definition of cyberbullying. In the second part of the article, the authors propose the principles and elements for building a model of multi-layer protection and analyze the possibility of its application in educational institutions in the Republic of Serbia, as an efficient tool for the prevention and reduction of security risks in the cyber space.Članak je posvećen razmatranju problema zaštite obrazovno-vaspitnih ustanova od visokotehnološkog kriminala i elektronskog nasilja. Imajući u vidu prirodu visokotehnološkog kriminala, može se konstatovati da posebno ranljivu kategoriju korisnika Interneta predstavlja populacija mladih: dece, adolescenata i studenata. Obrazovno-vaspitne ustanove predstavljaju važan činilac u procesu prevencije i suzbijanja bezbednosnih rizika kojima su mladi izloženi u sajber prostoru. Autori analiziraju postojeće normativno i faktičko stanje u ovom domenu i predlažu konkretne mere za redukciju ovih bezbednosnih rizika, te ukazuju na mogućnost i značaj izgradnje i implementacije višeslojnog modela zaštite. U prvom delu rada analizirana je domaća pravna regulativa u oblasti visokotehnološkog kriminaliteta. Imajući u vidu specifičnost predmeta istraživanja, autori analiziraju i odredbe zakonskih i podzakonskih propisa u oblasti zaštite dece od nasilja, zlostavljanja i zanemarivanja u obrazovno-vaspitnim ustanovama, fokusirajući se na norme o tzv. elektronskom nasilju. U drugom delu rada autori predlažu principe i elemente za izgradnju modela višeslojne zaštite i analiziraju mogućnost njegove primene u obrazovnim ustanovama u Republici Srbiji, a u cilju prevencije rizika iz širokog spektra visokotehnološkog kriminaliteta

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