FDTD Computation of Prostate Tissue Exposure to Cellular Phones Radiation


he Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) is the most often used method for evaluating of electromagnetic fields in human tissue. The ever-rising diffusion of cellular phones has brought about an increased concern for the possible consequences of electromagnetic radiation on human health. This paper presents a study of electric ,magnetic fields distribution in human prostate tissue . Concerning numerical modeling, the power absorption and specific absorption rate (SAR) in a prostatearegenerally computedusing FDTD methods in one and two dimension. Results show that mobile radiation penetrate the prostate tissues and attenuate fast to reach zero at the inner of tissue. The absorbent power and SAR show maximum at the interface .he Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) is the most often used method for evaluating of electromagnetic fields in human tissue. The ever-rising diffusion of cellular phones has brought about an increased concern for the possible consequences of electromagnetic radiation on human health. This paper presents a study of electric ,magnetic fields distribution in human prostate tissue . Concerning numerical modeling, the power absorption and specific absorption rate (SAR) in a prostatearegenerally computedusing FDTD methods in one and two dimension. Results show that mobile radiation penetrate the prostate tissues and attenuate fast to reach zero at the inner of tissue. The absorbent power and SAR show maximum at the interface

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