Is it prosody that settles the syntactic issue? An analysis of italian cleft sentences


The present study aims at investigating the prosodic realization of Italian cleft sentences, in order to provide some new cues for their still debated syntactic interpretation. A monoclausal approach to the analysis of cleft sentences (a.o. Frascarelli & Ramaglia 2013) parallels them to left focalization constructions, while a biclausal approach (a.o. Belletti 2008) considers them composed of a main copular clause and an embedded pseudo-relative clause. A systematic comparison between cleft sentences and left focalizations \u2013 carried out through an experimental study and an analysis of pitch accent distribution, scaling, and prosodic phrasing \u2013 leads to conclude that their prosodic realization is very similar. Prosody would thus suggest a monoclausal interpretation of cleft sentences, if we assume a direct matching between prosodic and syntactic phrases.The present study aims at investigating the prosodic realization of Italian cleft sentences, in order to provide some new cues for their still debated syntactic interpretation. A monoclausal approach to the analysis of cleft sentences (a.o. Frascarelli & Ramaglia 2013) parallels them to left focalization constructions, while a biclausal approach (a.o. Belletti 2008) considers them composed of a main copular clause and an embedded pseudo-relative clause. A systematic comparison between cleft sentences and left focalizations \u2013 carried out through an experimental study and an analysis of pitch accent distribution, scaling, and prosodic phrasing \u2013 leads to conclude that their prosodic realization is very similar. Prosody would thus suggest a monoclausal interpretation of cleft sentences, if we assume a direct matching between prosodic and syntactic phrases

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