Global logistic perspectives about quality of the concept for management of the communal waste in the environment


The quality had appeared even in the primitive community. Until today each step of the human is followed with wish for higher quality. The road toward quality never ends. Therefore, the quality everywhere represents unavoidability. That unavoidability is reality also during management with the communal waste in Republic of Macedonia. The application of the logistical approaches in the management with the communal waste in Republic of Macedonia is based on different environmental, economical and maintainable procedures that go in favor for realization of the unique aim “quality”. In this paper shall be represented several logistic approaches about increasing the quality in the management with the communal waste. On basis of real data and one contemporary approach shall be presented the qualitative changes in this field. The conclusions that shall be real indicator about the quality will be based only on official data and facts that fit into the logistics as a science shall be maintainable indicator about higher level of service for each inhabitant of Republic of Macedonia. With that this paper shall be a unique from one logistical aspect about total qualityas prospects for a global challenge and opportunity of the Republic of Macedonia for the coveted position in this field

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