Neel vector reorientation in ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic complex oxide nanostructures


In this study, we report on a temperature-driven antiferromagnetic (AF) spin reorientation transition in micro- and nanostructures of AF/ferromagnetic (FM) LaFeO3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin film bilayers. Using a combination of x-ray photoemission electron microscopy and x-ray absorption spectroscopy, the Néel vector is shown to reorient 90° as a result of the competition between a shape-imposed anisotropy in the AF layer and interface coupling to the adjacent FM layer. We demonstrate how a temperature dependence of the AF/FM spin configuration in line-shaped nanomagnets can be tuned by variation of their linewidth. This work provides insight into the AF/FM interface exchange coupling in complex oxide heterostructures and the possibilities of spin control by nanostructuring in thin film spintronics

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